Kate Hall

My name is Kate Hall and I was diagnosed with type one diabetes eleven years ago at age ten. I knew I was really sick when I was first diagnosed, but there was a peace inside of me in regards to the situation. When the doctors told me I had to get my first shot of insulin, I took the needle from them and injected myself. From that moment on I knew I could do this.
Although there wasn't a doubt in my mind that I wouldn't let this disease get to me, having diabetes didn’t come without fears. My first and only fear was if I was going to be able to do the normal things that other kids do. I played sports all year long and for the first couple of weeks after being diagnosed with diabetes I had to sit out from soccer practices and our championship game. When the doctors gave me the clear to participate, I told myself I wasn’t going to let this disease stop me from doing anything ever again. From then on I had no fear, only motivation. My work ethic that was created from having diabetes rolled over into my love of sports as well. If I could manage type one diabetes starting at a young age, I could do anything. When I started getting better at track and field, I became completely motivated to become the best that I could be. I set goals every year throughout high school, starting with my huge goal of making the 2016 Olympic trials when I saw athletes like Allyson Felix and Brittney Reese dominating at the 2012 trials on tv. At the time I was only a freshman in high school and jumping five feet less than them and running a second a half slower in the 100 than them. After working hard every day for four years, I set the national high school record in the long jump and qualified for the 2016 Olympic Trials. Since then, I have won two NCAA titles and I'm currently jumping professional with my sights set on the World Championships and 2020 Tokyo Olympics. I attribute my success and work ethic in my sport to having to work so hard from a young age to manage my diabetes. 
Type one diabetes has taught me more about myself than anything else has in my life. It taught me to work hard no matter how difficult a situation seems and to turn seemingly terrible circumstances into something beautiful. Every kid dealing with diabetes or a different disease needs to know that you can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do. Let it motivate you to better yourself in all aspects of your life.

Paul Reid

Hi! I’m Paul. I was diagnosed in 1986, a type one world before pumps, pens and CGMs.
I wasn’t always an outdoorsy type of person. I was comfortable doing the usual 9-5 gig, living the commuter life and relaxing on the weekends. I wasn’t all that fit either. I wasn’t into running or fitness in general, maybe a casual 2km hike, maybe a bike ride here and there, and camping was always car camping, a relaxing getaway from the house. But that was about the extent of my outdoor interest. Being type one certainly depressed me and I was definitely burnt out because of it.
It wasn’t until about 2010 that I began doing a lot more outdoors driven activities, longer hikes, climbing outdoors, and signing up for the odd 5k run. Fun stuff, but not easy stuff (at least that’s what I thought) I noticed things changing with me when I was engaging in activities outdoors. I was no longer depressed, and felt that old type one burn out diminishing.
These weren’t easy times. I was wildly unfit, and I weighed the heaviest I had in my whole life. But I had this attraction to the outdoors that I couldn’t shake. More camping trips came about, more climbing excursions out in the desert and in the mountains, more kayaking and snorkeling in the ocean, more and more of these activities filtered into my lifestyle, as the stoke for the outdoors intensified, the weight of the “type one burden” was lifted and evaporating from my life.
It wasn’t until 2012 during the planning of a group hike with 8 friends to summit Mt. Whitney in one day, where I was disappointed at the lack of info available out there for type ones on the how-to’s and the what-if’s when venturing into the backcountry, let alone trying to successfully summit one of the highest mountains on the north American continent. With the help of my Endo, I did, however manage to wrangle a phone conference with some other mountaineering type ones and medical specialists who had first-hand knowledge of how high altitudes can effect blood sugar, and how to prepare physically before an expedition like this. I thought, wow, there’s a whole lot of useful info out there for type ones in the outdoors, and I wondered how many other type one’s were in a similar situation. (that summit was successful, by the way :) !!!
Over the years I have summitted over 200 peaks in and around California, leading small hiking groups on day hikes, trail runs and outdoors climbs. I went and got my wilderness medicine certification and continue to organize outings but now with more of a focus on the type one adventurer by starting “Type One Outdoors” via social media and web platforms. “Local Treks” is an ongoing meet up thing, local outdoor adventures with outdoorsy type one’s in the greater LA area, with the emphasis on the type one adventurer. But not just for type one’s, supporters, caregivers, type one friends & family members strongly encouraged to join in the fun, type two’s & type three’s also welcome and encouraged. Chatting with each other on the trail about all things T1D is a great way to connect our common condition with our common stoke for the outdoors, plus, I share lots of useful outdoors info about how to get out there, off the grid, safely and with confidence on our local trails and mountain tops. 
My hope is to inspire all kinds of type ones to get outdoors, to get dusty, to get sun burnt, to get rained on, to get off the grid safely, and with the confidence knowing how to deal with that pesky blood sugar, and all our gadgets, devices, medications, glucose highs and lows and climb out from under that type one burnout and get stoked for adventure in the outdoors!

Brianda Martin del Campo

My name is Brianda and I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes January 2018, at 28 years old. This diagnosis was a life changer. My first doctor appointments were a blur. I saw a doctors and specialist for about a week or so until they figured out what I had. I didn’t know anything about diabetes. I didn’t know what an A1C of 14 meant. It took me a while to get a hang of everything that comes with this diagnosis, but I didn’t let let it stop me from doing the things I love. Minor setback major comeback!

Kacey Creel

I got diagnosed when I was 7 years old. When I first got type one I was so confused about what was all going on that I thought everyone got this weird thing I was going through eventually, I had just got it sooner than all my friends. However, I realized soon this was just something that was going to make me “different”. My parents taught me right then and there that diabetes was not going to get in the way of me wanting to do things. So I set a goal to play softball at a 4 year D1 university. Which I did. While growing up I attended Texas Lions Camp which is a camp for kids with physical disabilities and also type one diabetes. This is where I first got the passion to be so involved with the diabetic community by being a camper and also a camp counselor for super awesome kids with t1d. I graduated TSU and decided to go right back for another bachelors which is now where I am currently at. I am attending Stephen F. Austin State University majoring in Food and Nutrition and also minoring in Spanish. When I got to SFA I realized quickly I needed a community. I was missing my teammate/ roommate from TSU who also had type one diabetes. Well I heard of an organization called the college diabetes network which is a nation wide club that has chapters in over 130 universities. My campus did not have a chapter so that pushed me to create a chapter of my own. This was about 2 years ago and now the SFA chapter of the college diabetes network has about 25 members in it. It’s been so awesome meeting and connecting people with diabetes to other people and also raising awareness. That is the plan now. To continue to raise awareness and most importantly make connections with people who have diabetes. The diabetic community is so strong and is such a great thing to be apart of to help me get through this diagnoses.

Michael Gray

My name is Michael Gray. I am a husband, a father, a personal trainer, and also a type 1 Diabetic. Of all of those things, I have been a trainer the longest. For over a decade I have had the pleasure of working with awesome people; helping them lose weight, get stronger, and meet their fitness goals. It has been one of the most rewarding things I've been a part of. Right after being a father and husband, of course.
I was diagnosed with type 1 relatively late in life, at 37 years old. To say it was a shock would be an understatement. I had devoted the last 10 years of my life to not only helping others live their healthiest life, but also myself. How was this possible?
After the initial shock wore off, and I accepted my new reality, I read everything I could about the disease, including the best ways to manage it. I quickly learned that exercise and diet are two of the biggest tools we have in diabetes management. That was right in my wheel house.! While I wouldn't say that I'm grateful for my diagnosis, I will say that there have been a few silver linings. First, it forced me to look at how well I was taking care of myself, and I upped my self care game even more. I can honestly say that my diagnosis caused me to be the healthiest that I've ever been. Second, I saw an opportunity to help others. Marrying my knowledge of diet and exercise, and my personal experience with diabetes, I formed www.thediabetictrainer.com. A website disgned to help type 1, type 2, and those with pre-diabetes live their best lives!

Taylor Reynolds

I was diagnosed 16 years ago. I was 10 years old on a family vacation to New York. I was a soccer star that loved to be outdoors. A lot of people like to say your life shouldn't change too much just because of diabetes. But it does change your life. It changes how you think, how you feel, how you live. It's always been hard for me to be a "good" diabetic. Up until I started the pump 6 years ago, I was in DKA every year like it was a normal thing for me. Now I'm on the pump, and though it's still difficult, I've been doing immensely better with my life. Thankfully, I have a strong support system in my family and meeting new people who can relate! You're doing your best and that's all anyone can ask for.

David Miller

Hi there! My name is David. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes about 10 years ago. When I was first diagnosed I felt incredibly overwhelmed, lost and struggled to manage this new diagnosis with school, work and staying active. My first endocrinologist and diabetic educator more or less gave me some less than helpful old school tips on how to manage diabetes, some basic information on carb counting and then sent me on my way. The first few years were honestly a struggle. No matter what I did, I felt like I was failing at this whole diabetes thing. I became self-conscious and felt embarrassed about having diabetes. 

My turning point was the day my endocrinologist told me I should abandon my career as a paramedic and find something that provides more stable hours and is “more structured.” To this day, I can still feel the anger that I felt when those words came out of her mouth. It was at the moment I realized that I am going to own my diabetes and I am not going to let this disease run my life or dictate what I do. After this realization I have felt significantly more confident and open about life with diabetes. 

From my job as a flight paramedic to my passion for backpacking, skiing, exploring new places and doing all of the other things that I love, being a type 1 diabetic hasn't stopped me or slowed me down from accomplishing my dreams. If anything, I feel more empowered and more confident in going out and chasing my dreams. Living with diabetes can be challenging, but if this is a challenge that I can face and manage each day, the sky is the limit for other things I can accomplish! 

This upcoming April, I will be setting off on a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail! While I have a number of reasons for wanting to go on this journey, one of my driving reasons is to inspire others, even if it is just one other person that is thinking about a thru-hike or something just as crazy, but has that nagging "I won't be able to do it because...." to overcome whatever that barrier is and go do that awesome thing they have been thinking about.

Kristi Caporoso

Diabetes has been my life since before I can remember. Being diagnosed at 13 months old meant I never knew anything different. Personally, I think this was better for me. I think it's harder for kids and young adults who are diagnosed after forming their lives and their identities without type 1. When I was young, I always went to diabetes camp. Every year. I worked there until adult life took over. This had a huge impact on my career and my life now - I knew I wanted to work with children, and that I loved working with chronic illness. I spent some time volunteering in the hospital, meeting with newly diagnosed families. My parents always told me about a girl that came to visit them at Mt. Sinai when I was diagnosed as a baby. She was about my age now, healthy, a functional adult. They told me that she was the only person that was able to reassure them that I could have a normal life - more so than the nurses, doctors, and medical team. Currently, I'm a licensed social worker in a children's hospital. I'm very passionate about working with children and families who are experiencing any type of adversity, and type 1 & chronic illness always has a special spot in my soul.
I started my blog (https://diabetic-truths.blogspot.com/) when I was in college. I'm a pretty introverted person, and I never thought about using my voice to advocate and educate about type 1. But after seeing so much misinformation about the disease I became aggravated. I started with the name Diabetic Truths because my goal was to shed light on the facts and reality of type 1. I fell out of the blogging for awhile after college, but since I've resumed I've been blown away by the presence of the type 1 community. There are so many of us doing so many awesome things! The community has definitely helped me get back into running - I had my first 10k this year and just signed up for my first half (yikes) - and given me so much motivation to get out there and try new things. It's a constant reminder that type 1 can't hold us back.

Charlie Cates

Hi, I'm Charlie, and I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes back in 1996 at the age of 9. Since then, I have been experiencing how exercise and different ways of working out affect my blood glucose levels. One of the first things I remember being told the day I was diagnosed was, "Don't worry, you will still be able to play basketball." That may have not been a concern for most, but for me, it meant everything. Those words gave me the permission I needed to do anything I wanted to do from there forward.
I played basketball competitively all throughout high school and for four years in college. I also got really into learning about exercise and sports performance and how to get my body to perform its best. This eventually led to me getting certified as a personal trainer in 2009 and eventually graduating with a Master’s of Science degree in exercise science in 2016. Throughout my entire life, exercise has been a constant. It has always been present; it has always been something I have had to manage; and it has always been something I have used to help manage by blood glucose levels. From playing four years of college basketball, biking through the entire state of Wisconsin, hiking the Grand Canyon, and training as a powerlifter, I have experienced many different forms of exercise. And through it all I have noticed some consistent trends with how certain ways of exercising affect blood glucose levels.
As a Type 1 Diabetic, I was told early on that exercising was something I needed to do. However, I was never given any guidelines as to HOW to exercise, and this is what makes all the difference. After graduating with my Master's degree in exercise science back in 2016, I started applying what I had learned in the classroom to what I was doing with myself and my clients in the gym. By applying very specific exercise principles and controlling for certain variables, exercise has become something that has stabilized my blood glucose levels instead of sending them on a roller coaster ride.
I have taken this work and put it together in the Fit4T1D program - the first exercise program that is built from the ground up to help Type 1 Diabetics exercise in a safer, more sustainable manner. You can find out more about the Fit4T1D program at www.fit4t1d.com as well as on Instagram (@fit4t1d) and Facebook (facebook.com/groups/Fit4T1D/). Exercise is something that has allowed me to control my diabetes each and every day since I was first diagnosed instead of feeling like diabetes was controlling me. My mission is to help other Type 1 Diabetics feel the freedom that I have always felt by empowering them with the knowledge of how to exercise appropriately for their body.

Danielle Westbrook

I was diagnosed in 1997 at 12 years old. I had always been tall and thin growing up, but no one realized that it could be something more until I got the flu and was diagnosed with type 1. Growing up as a diabetic(and without a pump or CGM) wasn't always easy and I was far from perfect, but my family always taught me to never let it hold me back. I did what most kids did, went off to college, studied abroad for a year in Ireland, went skydiving in Hawaii, and just lived life. I'm so thankful growing up that I was never told no I couldn't do something because I'm diabetic. It wasn't until I was pregnant with my first son that I really started focusing on my diabetes and found how amazing it is to connect with others in our badass T1D community. I didn't share or talk much about it until then and now I love educating others. I'm a mom to 2 beautiful boys, which I worked really hard and am proud both were healthy pregnancies and natural births, and hope to inspire others that it is possible for us diabetic women. I'm also a wellness coach, and believe in a wholistic approach to health and my diabetes, and am passionate about helping others thrive. I love food and cooking, visiting new places, and going on adventures with my family. Being type 1 diabetic doesn't define me, but it has made me stronger!

Nina Juan

My name is Nina and I was diagnosed with T1D 12 years ago. If I’m being honest, I was pretty terrible with coping at first. After lots of work and help from the awesome T1D community, something hit me: I will never wake up being anyone else. That means until a cure comes, every day will involve diabetes. And guess what? I still have some pretty damn good days! I try to be as open about my diabetes as humanly possible, and it’s proven to me I can do anything, if not more than someone without it. Diabetes has knocked me down, but also catapulted me forward, and I plan to keep on going. - Nina J.

Sage Donnelly

I’m an 18 year old professional Whitewater kayaker and stand up paddle boarder. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes when I was 3 years old, celiac when I was 8, and hypo thyroid when I was 11. I started seriously competing in kayaking when I was 7 and it took off from there. Since then, I have gained a world championship title in freestyle kayaking, am top ten in the world in jr. womens canoe and kayak slalom, and am a top finisher in most of the extreme races I do! I train three times a day about 6-8 total hours per day and my goal is to show every diabetic out there that it’s possible to achieve any goal you have even though you have diabetes. It will be hard and there will be times when you feel awful and want to quit, but always remember that you’re making yourself 10x stronger both pysically and mentally.

Kyle Hartley

My name is Kyle and I was diagnosed 16 years ago. I have been on and off the pump the whole time depending on my work situation and what was covered by insurance. I never really had control of my diabetes until I started on a CGM. Initially the Freestyle Libre and now to Dexcom G6. I have brought my A1C down from a 9.1 to a 6.2 in just a few months of being on them. Amazing technology!
Being a paramedic, and working in an ER, it is nice to be able to help people and especially other diabetics. I love to find other diabetics and talk about the devices I have and how they have worked for me!

Darrell Greene

25 years. That's how long Darrell has been in the fight. He was diagnosed T1D in April 1993. It wasn't easy at all. Think about it. There was no internet. No google to turn to for quick answers. There was no badassdiabetic.org for support so he learned the hard way how to control his blood sugars. Pamphlets. Yes. Pamphlets. He's far from perfect, but his last A1C was 5.7. Not bad for a TV news anchor in Memphis, TN who's about to turn 50 later this year. In addition to being a husband and proud father of two, Darrell is passionate about helping others in their T1D fight. He's a chapter board member and congressional advocate for JDRF. He's done dozens of news stories about the fight for a cure and for the technological advances being made to help T1Ds live healthier lives. In August, Darrell became one of the first 10 people in the US to receive the new @eversensecgm implanted continuous glucose monitor, which he calls "freakin' amazing!". His prayer is that advances like that can help others avoid complications, like his hemorrhagic stroke in 2016. It knocked him down, but not out. Darrell is back on track, fighting T1D, working out while working on his golf swing, and doin' the news every night at 5, 6, 9, & 10 for @fox13memphis !

Allison Hahn

Hi, my name is Allison and I have had Type 1 Diabetes a little over two years now. I am 13 years old and play volleyball. Being in the hospital was very scary trying to learn everything and not understand what it really meant. It took some time, but after a few months I realized this is just part of my life now. Nothing stops me!! I Don’t let my diabetes keep me down. I love to stay active and exercise, and my nickname from one of my favorite teachers is “sporty spice” .  I love being outside and going to the beach or pool with our hot Chicago summers. My favorite place to vacation with my family is Sanibel Island, Florida. But, boy can the waves sometimes in the ocean make my Dexcom fall off!!! I have the best mom and dad and little sister and an awesome group of friends who really understand my disease. They always have gummy bears in there locker for me if I’m low. I’m walking in my second JDRF walk this September and have an even bigger group this year joining “Alli’s Army”  Some days are hard and I get through them, but I would really love a cure!!

Brian Bobé

I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 17. I struggled with diet and proper daily maintenance. I’m now 34 years old and have been a police officer for almost 12 years. I work out on a daily basis and began a basic plant only diet almost a year ago. I still struggle daily with taking proper care for myself but I have a team at home that helps me with my struggles. I’m constantly reminded to keep fighting the good fight!!!! Badass Diabetic!!!

Dana Cumberworth

     Hey there! I’m Dana Dempsey Cumberworth 33 years old and currently live in Charlotte, North Carolina. Diabetes became a part of my life when I was 25 in graduate school at Wake Forest University. You see, I was studying to become a physician assistant and during a lab in our Diabetes unit was dumbfounded to find my blood sugar was almost 700!! (Normal bs is around 100). 
As you could imagine my diagnosis left me in total shock! I felt deflated and embarrassed. I saw it as a weakness... all the blood sugar testing, injections, planning ahead.... blah blah blah. It’s 24/7 blood sugar babysitting! I could not believe myself, an extremely active, past college basketball athlete was getting this news!
     Only close family and friends knew of my diagnosis. I didn’t share it with the world until about 3 years ago. Initially, I had the thought of biking across America so I could raise a ton of money!! Then I found about the JDRF 100 mile bike rides. The question was how in the world was I going to raise all the money?! Well I decided to share my story on social media about my diagnosis in PA school. By doing just that, I opened up the pathway to where I stand today. I was not portrayed as a victim or a weak person to those who encountered my story. The response across the board were words such as - inspiring, strong, advocate, leader, and my absolute favorite label: BadA$$.
     My goal is to NEVER let Type 1 win. I have no different life than the next person. Yes there is a lot more planning ahead, trips to the pharmacy for insulin and wearing blood sugar monitoring devices etc. But I have a great job as a physician assistant for orthopedic surgery. I have completed 2 full 140.6 Ironman races. I soon will have tackled 3 JDRF 100 mile fundraiser rides and raised over $30,000 for the JDRF. I even became scuba certified diving with sharks and traveling around the world. Plus I married Colin, my rock, adventure buddy, biggest supporter and best friend! We even traveled across the globe to the Maldives and Thailand to have an epic honeymoon last fall! 
     You see I was given a label of Type 1 diabetic back in 2010, but it will NEVER define me. I will continue to push the limits because I do not believe we have limitations! I even got a custom patch approved by the JDRF and all proceeds goes to our fundraiser ride this October! Because why not?! https://thesugarpatch.shop/collections/jdrf-ride-to-cure-diabetes
     To my fellow Diabadass- cheers to you and taking ownership of your disease! To my family, friends and donators- you all are rockstars and help to fuel my fire!!! Xo

Tina Marescia

I always wanted to travel. I never wanted to be diabetic. Yet, I woke up in 2016 at 26 untraveled with a new diagnosis “late onset Type 1 ‘Juvenile’ diabetes”. After spending a few months thinking all those millennial dreams I had of backpacking across Europe or trekking through Asia were shot, I bought a FRIO pack and plane ticket to London. 

My road trip across England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales lasted 20 days making it the longest and farthest international trip I’d ever done. I was hooked. I figured long term travel was not unattainable but, just required extra packing and planning for my medical supplies and pump gear. I mean hey food and insulin are universal right? (It didn’t hurt that I was untraveled at this point by having unironically spent every year of my life from age 18 to 23 obtaining a degree and license as a Registered Dietitian). 

In 2017, I got a Working Holiday VISA to New Zealand and have been working and traveling around the two islands since. I spent the first 6 months of my VISA living on Te Ika a Maui (The North Island) in a purple 1999 Toyota Previa. #Vanlife I now live in Queenstown, Te Wai Pounamu (The South Island) where I spent my days at Coronet Peak with NZSki. During my time in NZ I’ve been able to explore the NZ wilderness both on foot and as part of a 5 day canoe trip through the rainforest. I have also picked up some new hobbies like acroyoga, snorkeling and the rare adrenaline rush bungee jumping. Who knows what activity or country is coming next, the world’s my oyster right?   Follow the journey at: http://type1travel.blogspot.com/

Chelsea Line

I was diagnosed with T1D at 5 years old and from day 1 I started my own needles.  It was my first year in cheerleading and while I was in hospital I used to make all the nurses watch my performances.  I love to dance, model, cheer and do Gymnastics. The highlight of my life so far has been competing in Hawaii for hip hop!  (And we won a silver medal).  I love to travel and T1 won’t stop me! When I get older, I plan to be a T1D educator so I can connect with T1D children.

Chris Ruden

I am the only disabled, diabetic record holding power lifter, professional speaker, and online nutrition consultant you know ! I was born with two fingers on my left hand and a shorter left arm and went through everything from bullying, depression, suicide watch and drugs. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes a 19 years old and decided to overcome my limitations through powerlifting. Since then I’ve won over six powerlifting meets and broke 4 state records in powerlifting regardless of my physical disability or diabetes . I now travel the country as a professional speaker utilizing my social media network to inspire kids, teens and adults through Fitness to understand that limitations are self-imposed.

will cross

Will effectively manages his diabetes in the most extreme conditions, while facing many challenges such as irregular meals, extreme temperatures, unusual sleeping patterns, physical exertion, high risks of frostbite and dehydration, and less than ideal conditions in which to monitor glucose levels and administer insulin. Will seeks to get the message out that if he can control his diabetes in the most unlikely conditions, no one should feel hindered by diabetes. 

Will’s achievements have been covered by CNN, BBC, The Today Show, Discovery Channel, Voice of America, KDKA News and Talk Radio, and ABC, CBS, and NBC national affiliate stations. He has also appeared in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The New York Times, Explorers Journal, and GQ. During 2003 and 2004, Will delivered an inspirational Public Service Announcement viewed by over 17 million people.* Will’s 2004 Mt. Everest expedition had a reach of over 37 million people.* In 2005, Will won the Media Spokesperson of the Year Award. 

Rodney Miller

I was diagnosed at age 4. I grew up on a cattle ranch in southern Oklahoma. At age 12 my father came to me and told me no one cared about my disease and that I could accept it and live with it or I could let it kill me. I chose the former. I did spend several years rebelling against the disease but when my wife told me she was pregnant with my daughter I knew that I could no longer take my health for granted. I had to be there to provide and support this new life. So I entered the gym and fell in love with training. I spent a couple of years bodybuilding before I ultimately found my home in powerlifting. I competed for several years in powerlifting before changing gears and beginning my journey in strongman. I've since competed in 12 strongman contests even at the national level. I've also been actively coaching type 1 diabetics in strength sports for 5 years now. I truly believe that anything is possible with type 1 diabetes and that we are like super heroes!!

Jareel Calhoun

Hi I’m Jareel and I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in November 2015 at 8 years old. It’s been a hard struggle and big adjustment for me and my family, but together we are getting through it. I’m an Honor student-athlete. I play football, basketball, video games, I love to swim swim and hang out with my friends. I just played in my first All-Star football game, it was so much fun! I definitely don’t let T1D stop me from doing the things I love!!! #TurnTypeOneToTypeNone

Jeramiah Casarez

Jerry is 5 years old. He was diagnosed with type 1 when he was 4. Both of his parents are also type 1. His desire is to professionally be able to help others with diabetes one day. But for now, he spreads the awareness through vlogging on youtube at "the adventures of jerry" and on instagram. He has a big humble heart and he has lots of faith that one day there will be a cure!

Daniela Rojas Jiménez

Hello everyone, I'm Daniela from Costa Rica and I have lived with type one diabetes for 26 years now. I am a psychologist who works with people living with chronic conditions. I am a passionate advocate for the diabetes community here in Costa Rica and Latin America. I'm part of the board of the first and only patient assossiation here in my country, plus I am part of the organizers of the first youth camp here in CR along with two other advocates. I co-founded EDPD which is an education program lead by people living with type one diabetes that works to prevent discrimination in schools and work places. I'm a blogger for Live1tBlue next to my close friend Paula and also for Diabetica Solutions...... I am a passionate hiker who loves to take on Costa Ricas lovely mountains and adventures, my love for hiking, has made me work hard to train in order to show the world that T1d is not an obstacle to chase after any challenge.

Hannah Bleyer

Hi, my name is Hannah, I'm 22 years old and have been living with t1d for around 10 years. I was diagnosed during the Summer of 2008 when I was 12 years old. I was constantly drinking and urinating, and lost about 15-20 pounds, my parents thought I was starving myself! Luckily, my neighbor's mother was t1d and he told them to take me to the doctor. I remember this day like it was yesterday, the doctor came in the room and tested my blood glucose on a meter and it read "HI", it was so high that the meter wouldn't read it! I was then taken right to the ER and treated overnight for Type 1 Diabetes. Unfortunately, my life with t1d wasn't as easy as my diagnosis was. For many years I struggled to accept that I had to live with a chronic disease that has no known cure. I would do anything that I could to try to forget about it, but it was always there no matter what I did. I went so far as to stop testing my blood sugar daily, guess bolus amounts, and cancel endo appointments whenever I could. Going to the doctor was always my least favorite thing to do. It usually included the doctors asking me why I wasn't doing what I had to do, me having no answers, and a lot of crying. I would convince myself that the doctor just didn't understand because she never had to do what I have to do everyday. After about 9 years of acting this way, my life changed. I met another Type 1 Diabetic for the first time at the part-time job I was working at during college. I very much believe that this woman was my saving grace, without her I don't think that I would have turned my health around and gotten on a CGM and Insulin pump. Something about knowing that I wasn't the only one struggling physically and emotionally with this disease flipped a switch in my brain. After getting to know her, my A1c and daily treatment has never been better, and I finally came to terms with this disease and am at peace with it. Eventually I created an Instagram page that I use to connect with other people just like me. I no longer want to hide this part of me, I wear my pump with pride and am finally happy with who I am. I cannot conclude without mentioning the help and support I got over the years from my parents and boyfriend. The acceptance and support I got from my boyfriend means so much to me because I never had anyone take so much interest and want to learn about t1d like he did. To this day I am so shocked about how much he has learned about me and t1d and I am forever grateful that I found someone who could love me and my disease, even when I didn't. My parents always did everything that they could to support me, unfortunately I wouldn't accept it from them because I didn't want to even support myself. They urged me to go to school to be a Dietitian or Diabetic Educator because I always felt that the doctor never understood me, but I wanted nothing to do with it. I now am going to go back to school to be an RN, with a goal to be a Diabetic Educator for children with Type 1 because I want them to hear my story and know that they aren't alone. I now am a happy and healthy t1d who enjoys cooking, reading, travelling and spending time with my friends and family. I also enjoy connecting with other people just like me. I can't express how important it is to find others who have been in your shoes and understand how you feel, or even just give you advice about how to bolus for an ice cream sundae LOL. We are not alone, even though it may feel like that sometimes, and we can fight this disease like the bad-ass diabetics we are!

Coral Deng

My daughter, Coral, was diagnosed with T1d when she was 15 months old while we were still living in our hometown on Oahu. She was lethargic, peeing heavy diapers, wetting her bed, and drinking excessive amounts of water for three days in a row. I contacted her pediatrician via email after hours describing my observations and suspicions, but wasn't aware that these were classic signs of T1d. I just knew something was wrong. She called me back on Friday, March 11, 2016 at 8am and told us to stop what we were doing and come straight to Kapiolani Medical Center. She was diagnosed that day with a finger poke and we spent the next four in the hospital. I was giving her shots by the second day. We absorbed all the information, while still in shock, that the diabetes educator gave us and continue to do our own research, basal settings & changes, etc.  Since then, we have mastered thin crust pizza and pastas, but I still like to set a good example for her by working out at the gym and substituting lower carb foods and snacks with her. Everything in moderation. Timing the bolus is key to managing BGs!  Coral is my inspiration for the brand T1dlife @type1diabetic_life on IG.  She loves singing, dancing, socializing, and going on adventures. She spreads aloha with whomever she meets and lights up the room with her laugh and smile. She loves gymnastics and recently enrolled in karate. She is fearless and loves the ocean just like her mama. One day, I'll teach her how to surf too. She loves pool days and playdates with her fellow diabuddies. Her motto is #t1dwontstopme from having fun! Coral will be four years old in October. Her latest a1c was 6.3 and has been in the low 6's for the past year.

Caleb Smith

Hi, my name is Caleb Smith and I am 8 years old. When I was 3 years old I was diagnosed with T1D. I had gone to a couple hospitals and they kept saying I had the flu. Then one day, my mom was driving me to watch my dad do a triathlon and I puked in her car. She took me to the closest hospital. When we got there, they knew right away what was wrong. I was rushed to a room in the ER and surrounded by all these people, poking me and stuff. It was pretty scary. Ornge (Ontario’s ground and air critical care ambulance service) had to come and take me to a bigger hospital. I was too sick. I was in DKA.  A few days later I was feeling much better and got to go home. I didn’t like Diabetes at first. So many needles! Then at Christmas time I got a package from Indy Car driver Charlie Kimball! He has T1D just like me and he races cars. I love racing. That made Diabetes a little bit less scary. Then I met Charlie in person and also my best friend Chase (Pelletier) who also has T1D and is a fast racer. They made it way less scary and I saw them doing what I wanted to do too.  I learned to check my own blood sugars and then I got my insulin pump. Last year I got my CGM - just like all the T1D racers use!  Now I just started racing go karts. I love it. I want to be a professional racer when I am a bit older. I want to race Charlie, Chase, Conor (Daly) and Ryan (Reed). Hopefully I would win! I’m a youth ambassador for my local JDRF. I like raising money and awareness. People don’t understand T1D sometimes.  One day I want to be like my racing friends and help other kids not feel so scared about T1D.  It’s kind of cool to have T1D. I have friends and I do fun things - racing, hiking, video games, camping, so many fun things. Sometimes it makes me mad and sad because it’s annoying to have T1D, but mostly it’s okay.

Aeriel Lane

My name is Aeriel. My favorite color is blue. My favorite person is my 6 year old little boy, Liam. And, oh…I’m also a Type 1 Diabetic. *Insert the obligatory…”Hiiiii Aerielllll”*  I was diagnosed with T1D November of 1997; the day before Thanksgiving. After months of inexplicable symptoms – extreme thirst, itchy skin, weight loss, cotton mouth, and a whole host of others, my mother made and appointment with my doctor. I was diagnosed right there in the office. That was the day everything changed. I was a cheerleader and an active teenager when I was diagnosed. I don’t remember much about that time except going to see the receptionist everyday (who happened to also be a nurse and the wife of a T1D). She would sit quietly and watch me do my finger stick and try her best not to admonish me when I was having trouble beating my sugars into submission. I remember feeling singled-out. That was through no fault of anyone; it just comes with the territory. I remember feeling drained on field trips, exhausted with all of the “how the heck do you give yourself needles?” questions, tired of the food I consumed being stalked and just over everything in general. 
There was one person who got me through the entire ordeal. I’m not even sure if she knows this. But my best friend Cara was my rock. Her entire family was. Cara had a beautiful cousin named Annette. She had had a pancreas transplant and spent a lot of time educating me on the inner workings of diabetes. Cara would ask me during the day, “How are your sugs? Have you eaten? Can I get you a Diet Coke?” and none of it was said with an ounce of judgment.  Coping with any terminal illness requires an unprecedented support system. When one member of the family is diagnosed, the entire family must chip in and contribute to that persons overall wellness. I won’t go into the details of illnesses, stress and my pregnancy; but I will say that, through everything, I have always had a support system that has carried me through. Find those people in your life. You can’t and shouldn’t do this alone.

Christopher Pickering

Being diagnosed in 1988, I’m neither a newbie nor a veteran, because every day is a new challenge. At 3 almost 4 years old, I was diagnosed with T1D.  Growing up with T1D in a family where it was prevalent, I was watched nonstop. Every bit of food I ate, how active I was, and many sleepless nights for my parents. Throughout school, there were many friends who protected me at all costs and watched my back, and many others without an understanding of T1D that would make life hell. Despite those that made life difficult, with my friends and family supporting, I became a great athlete, and am very proud an honored of the awards I received.   I continued on to become a collegiate athlete, and still play sports to this day. Diabetes was always a platform to stand up and make a difference.  One day, while at work I crashed into a severe low that should have ended my life, thanks to quick thinking by coworkers who understood what was happening, paramedics were called, and my life would continue. Upon arriving at home, my roommate and one of my best friends was there. He saw something was wrong and in the gentlest of ways got me to speak about what happened. After explaining everything, he wrapped his arms around me and said “You have no clue the greatness you are destined for.” After searching out other T1D’s and getting involved in more things, I felt a calling of sorts. I wanted to make sure that any one battling what I did, and still do at times, would have someone beside them to show there’s more than what they can see.  After about five years of learning how to cope with my own depression and speaking to countless others, I came to to conclusion that’s what I wanted to do with my life. Help other Type One’s through their own paths. In a sense, on that morning a life did end. A life of perpetual downturns, hurt, and anxiety. Those things were turned into a fuel that I use each and every day in my new life. The reality is that diabetes may alter the end of my life, but until that day comes, it will not hold me back from everything I desire. Helping others, fighting big corporations, finding new methods to better lives, and anything else that make this community stronger. My dream is simple, until the cure is there in front of me, I will be beating down every roadblock to make sure others feel the love and empowerment I do. Diabetes is always a cold-hearted enemy, but that enemy has brought forth alliances that span the World to make life better.

Rina Cornelius

Diaversary June 30, 2015, adult onset at age 42.  The day my lifestyle changed, now living without a fully functioning pancreas and insulin dependent  for the rest of my life.  After finishing a Spartan Rae, I ended up in the hospital with a blood glucose (BG) of 99.9 mmol.  the doctors told me I have Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).  To put this in perspective, a non diabetic will have a normal BG anywhere from 4 to 7 mmol.  I am currently 2+ years into my diagnosis and I'm still learning every day how to manage my T1D.  Some days are better than others and embracing my new lifestyle has been a welcomed challenge, which means I can live a manageable lifestyle with T1D.  Knowledge is power and understanding your body is key.  Don't ignore the signs.  Keep in good health!

davey la

Hi diabuddies, I'm 35 years old and have been diabetic for 28 years. Professionally I work as an actor for Geese Theatre Company in the UK. We spend most of our time in prisons performing shows and running workshops about choice, change and personal responsibility. Right now I spend most of my spare time training for a 175 mile bike ride from London to Paris raising money for Diabetes UK. I enjoy chilling with friends, family and my wife, we got married just over a year ago in Ibiza after spending two years doing up our first house together. I have never felt more in control of this crazy condition. However it hasn't always been this way. 

Let me take you back to 1989, my parents were concerned as I had lost lots of weight and couldn't stop drinking, I used to spend time at the freezer filling my mouth with ice cubes just to kill the thirst. I was rushed to hospital after an initial urine test and diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic with blood glucose readings over 36 mmol/L, thats just above 650 mg/dl. One thing I remember is the doctor saying ‘you could get a cure in 10 years’ (still waiting doc!). But this did encourage me to tackle diabetes head on!

People always ask 'how could you inject yourself when you were 7?' (to be fair my mum did it mostly) But I do remember there were other kids on the ward who had much worse medical conditions and they didn’t even have the option of a needle to control their illness, I’m sure if they were offered a syringe to stay alive they would take it, so that’s what I did (needles were much bigger back then too). I was encouraged by my parents to not let my diabetes get in the way, it was never easy for us, but with their support my first few years as a diabetic were ok. I did start to struggle with the condition as a teenager, I was trying to manage my sugars while hiding the condition from everybody else. I think I did this because I didn't know any other diabetics, I felt that it was weird or that people might expect less of me because of it. It would have been great if there was an online community where I could see other people living life to the full despite their diabetes. 

During my 20’s I tried to live as though I didn’t have this condition, working abroad in Ibiza and travelling round South America, but started to realise why type 1 diabetes can't be ignored. 
Often after nights out I went low in my sleep and needed rescuing from friends, family or paramedics. Once I was arrested at a train station when low, I was mistakenly thought to be drunk and disorderly and came round in a police cell. Although it’s scary to think about these times, it encouraged me to take this condition more seriously. Over the past few years, I'm testing my bloods 10 times a day, using an app to keep an eye on trends, changing my diet, counting carbs and adjusting insulin. This has enabled me to join an MMA gym, run marathons, cycle from one country to another, perform shows in prisons up and down the country, I truly feel like anything is possible. Now I am in charge of my diabetes (despite the odd day which just doesn't make sense) I try to inform, inspire and entertain other diabetics on YouTube and social media. 

Despite all the negative parts of being T1D, it is part of me and encourages me to live everyday to the full, I'm lucky to be here and I'm not going to let this life pass me by. I have read so many stories on here that have inspired me and I hope to do the same. 

Power to your pumps/needles Diabadasses!!!

Shaylene Oldham

I was diagnosed with type one diabetes on February 13, 2006. This was just before my “sweet sixteen”, which I find quite ironic. I remember vaguely what life was like before my diagnosis. I can recall feeling a lot more carefree and a little less different than everyone else. I remember what it was like to be a size 00 before insulin and carb counting filled out my hips along with the inevitability of puberty causing havoc all at the same time. I remember being able to try on swim suits and clothes without trying to figure out where I would clip my pump or how easy something would be to dose in. But all of these “before diabetes” seemed to easily fade away as I learned how to keep myself from dying every single hour of every single day. It still seems so surreal to me how I went from one day; not knowing, not counting, not dosing, not checking, to the complete opposite which has just become my every day normal. How can such a huge life change that literally happened overnight, seem so minuscule in the grand scheme of things. For a long time, I held on to my former self not willing to accept the fact that I was a diabetic and my life was going to face many obstacles and challenges because of it. I didn’t want my diagnosis and if I just didn’t pay attention to it long enough, it would go away. Deep down, I knew that one day I would pay the price for all the highs but I was okay with that because one day seemed so far away. Fast forward through high school, growing up, moving out, countless jobs and relationships later; those one days were today and I realized that my future problems were right in front of me. With my vision going and my future shaky, I made the internal decision that I needed to change everything if I was going to survive this to keep the life I’ve been working so hard for. I have been trying my hardest to make myself known in the diabetic community online, whereas I used to sit in the shadows but never felt a part of. This alone has made such a huge difference. It has given me the confidence to wear my life on my hip (literally), to share the highs and the lows (pun intended), and to reach out to other diabetics because I always wanted to before but never did. Through this I have not only learned how to better control my disease but I have also grown to want to control my disease, which is so huge for me. I feel healthier than I ever have in my life which has given me the confidence to be upfront with my disease and the fact that some days I can’t control those numbers, but as long as I am doing the best I can, that is all that counts. I am currently working on a degree in mortuary science and just accepted a new job at a funeral home to start my career. I have been happily married for the past seven wopping months and working on the goal of getting my a1c down even lower so that we can safely start a family one day. I am achieving so much in this life that I never thought I would want let alone be capable of because I always let this disease bring me down and give me excuses. But not today, I am so grateful that I was able to turn this burden around and learn how to live again. My hope is that if you’re feeling or have ever felt the way that I have, you’ll be able to look in the mirror and say, “I am a strong, courageous, self-reliant, BADASS DIABETIC!” Because you are, and so am I!

Ayla Goodson

My name is Ayla Goodson and I am 29 years old. I've been an a Type 1 diabetic for 10 years now! In addition to, I am a published author, pole fitness instructor, mentor, public speaker, life coach, owner and operator of two successful women's fitness studios, and an advocate for healthy living with diabetes! I was diagnosed in 2008 as a sophomore in college. I was very active in college, the captain of the cheerleading squad and an active member of multiple student organizations. I've always been into fitness ever since I can remember. A small petite frame, never reached over 112lbs, so to be diagnosed with diabetes came as a shock. I always thought diabetes was for overweight old people. But to my surprise little 18 year old, 110lb me was now an insulin dependent Type 1 Diabetic.

Because fitness has always been a passion of mine, being a diabetic has motivated me even more to continue to beat the odds and stereotypes of diabetes. I always say now, that I don't have diabetes for myself, I have it to inspire, educate, and motivate others with diabetes and/or those at risk of developing diabetes. Since my diagnoses, it has been my duty to educate others and be a hope for those dealing with the disease daily. As a Black woman, it is so important that I continue to stress the importance of health and fitness in my community. When we lack knowledge, we lack the ability to prevent health issues that can be avoided or we lack the knowledge to properly care for ourselves. Living with diabetes, has made me a stronger person for myself and for so many others that battle the disease. My goal is let the world know that diabetes is only a hindrance if you allow it to be! You can be who you were created to be no matter what!

aaron Johnson

I’m a 34 year T1D veteran. I was diagnosed at 15 months old, so I’ve seen the world of diabetes change a few times over. When I was growing up, there certainly wasn’t any internet or social media. I think that people often overlook how important of a change this is with diabetes. Sure, medical technology has improved dramatically and that has been a game changer, but the ability to have such a strong community that is so easily accessible is, to me, the biggest difference between life with T1D then and now. With as much experience as I have, I feel it’s important to share my knowledge with those who could benefit. I live to advocate for our community. Today, I run a public charity in Charlotte, NC for T1D known as FFT1. We want to help our local community in any way we can. Along with my partner in crime and devoted T1D advocate wife Kori, we also serve on Beyond Type 1’s Family council. This council was formed this year to stand beside their leadership, global ambassador and science councils. We are proud to be a part of such an amazing and revolutionary organization. I love the message of diabadassery. The importance of changing the misconceptions of Type 1 cannot be overstated. It is far beyond time for us to stand up and be heard and better respected as a community and that starts with us being proud internally. I love wearing my tech where it is visible and I can almost always be found with some sort of silly-messaged, clever diabetes related shirt on, or with my JDRF, Beyond Type 1, or (of course FFT1 gear). I think that T1Ds doing amazing things is incredibly inspiring, but I also believe we need to do a better job of embracing and elevating those who are more “ordinary”, but live beyond their diagnosis and challenge themselves to live successfully with T1D everyday. In the next month my blog, GlucosEnough, will launch which is a window into my life as a T1D. Its going to be all over the place. I have a long diabetes story, and I bet I have a few things that anyone can find entertaining, educational, interesting, or all 3. I love telling stories. I love people getting to know ME. On a related note, I am also addicted to photography. I want to capture emotion in a frame. I’d love to work on a project that showcases diabetes in its most honest form. I want to show the pain, frustration, brilliance, exhaustion, inspiration, hope, and triumph that is type 1. Look out for that sometime soon.

Paula Chinchilla

I am Paula from Costa Rica and I have live with T1D for many years. My diagnosis at the beginning meant a new start for my family. My father lost his job and I was starting kindergarten. The diagnosis and the fact that my dad was out of work made diabetes a motivation to my family to create a Sugar Free Cakery and coffee shop of which we live today. All this thinking that if I felt sad about not having a birthday cake that would not affect my blood sugars much, other families with members with diabetes were also facing the same! Also, my mom created the first patient association for people with diabetes here as she realized peer to peer support was essential. Since I was little I saw diabetes as an opportunity, looking for the positive points.  I together with two other advocates and passionate about diabetes education organized the first diabetes youth camp in Costa Rica and now we have done 5 camps. Also we created EDPD (education in diabetes by people with diabetes) to give talks about diabetes in schools, high schools and workplaces.   I am also part of the League of Diathletes a worldwide diabetes community and young leaders in diabetes of the International Diabetes Federation.  I studied Nutrition to help others with diabetes in this important topic and through this I´ve had the opportunity to go to diabetes camps in South America to help in the nutritional area and now I would face an amazing challenge helping a friend to do 25 marathons in one month! (also with type one diabetes).  I am passionate about educating others about this lifestyle also through @live1tBlue ,a blog I share with one of my best friends with type one, Daniela. The name Live1tBlue has a special meaning for both of us, as blue is the color that officially represents diabetes in the world, and for us diabetes is not a synonym of disease but instead a lifestyle; therefore through our blog we look to reflect that it is possible to have a healthy life with diabetes. That “LivingItBlue” (living with diabetes) could be a happy, empowered and healthy way of living.   Sharing our stories is important as from personal experience we know it is not always easy to deal with the diagnosis of T1D and that at times one can feel lonely or isolated.  We all could be Badass Diabetics if we put our health first and then do whatever we want or dream and don't let diabetes stop us from any challenge, enjoying life to the fullest!

Diandra Crabb

My name is Diandra Crabb from Alberta Canada.  I am a working, single mom who is also in college through distance learning.  And, managing my Type 1 Diabetes on top of it all.  I am raising awareness, specifically through my Instagram account as well as participating in fundraising events such as the Walk to Cure Diabetes. "For the highs and lows and moments between, mountains and valleys, and rivers and streams, for where you are now and where you will go, for "I've always known" and "I told you so, " for "nothing is happening" and "all has gone wrong,," it is here in this journey you will learn to be strong, you will get where you're going, landing where you belong". Morgan Nichols

Fabian Bleck

Just a couple of weeks before my 12th birthday, I started drinking a lot more water than usual, felt tired like never before and used the bathroom more often than i liked to. Due to those facts, my family already had an idea what was going on with me. They already knew it from my grandpa, also Type 1 Diabetic. I checked my blood glucose on his meter and it just showed HI for high. We went straight to the hospital where I spent the next couple of days. In the beginning, I did´t know much about diabetes, just that you have to prick your finger and get sometimes an insulin shot because I have seen my grandpa doing it a couple of times. So I had to learn much more about my new lifetime friend. Not only learning concerned me, I was also worried if I will be able to play basketball anymore. But the doctors and his team took that fear right away from me when they told me, you can do as much as sports as you want, it´s good for you. And that´s what I am still doing. 
Learning. Especially with diabetes, it never stops. New foods, new activities, more stress, illnesses, less and more sleep, etc. It all effects your blood glucose and you have to understand and learn, how to handle all those perimeters. There is no perfect overall therapy, you have to listen to your body and learn how it reacts to different situations. It helps me to doing the sports I love as an professional. Of course I am struggling sometimes too, but i will never quit.
Now I am 24 years old and I have learned more about my body due to my diabetes than I would have without it. Sometimes, you have to be grateful, even though it sounds strange with diabetes. This is how I am trying to be a role model for other diabetics. You can achieve everything with diabetes, Never settle, always learn, be grateful.

 Rasheed Johnson

I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 7. Battling with the obstacles of having diabetes and accepting the fact that I had it; I continued to pursue my interest in sports. From football, track, wrestling, and boxing. I had my fair share of trail and error. But in this World no matter what, you should not give up on your goal and dreams. As I realized diabetes may be a challenge, it should not hinder you from going after what you want in life. With that being said, I am now a professional boxer with controlled Type 1 Diabetes competing for a spot amongst the best. I am surrounded by the best supporters. I want all kids out there to know that just because you may be dealing with something that seems unfair it is not the end. Let these things motivate you to be great!

Elisa Calcagni Andreoli

Hello my name is Elisa, and I was born in Lugano Switzerland.  I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 1988, at the age of 8.
30 years of T1D have been a big challenge, especially when I was a little girl and could not benefit from the new medical technology.
Nevertheless, diabetes made me stronger forging my character day after day. Although I went through many difficult times, I always fought for my goals without giving up. I studies abroad, traveled around the World and own a university degree.  Today I'm happily married and a mother of two fantastic kids, Timothy 9 years old and Edward 6 years old.  Six years ago I started pole dancing, which quickly become my passion. I started training very hard, to become a competitive athlete.  Last year I qualified and I participated in the World Pole Sport Championship.  I hate diabetes and I have never stopped hoping for a cure but I love my life and I fight every day to follow my dreams.

Bj Garceau

I am the first T1D to enter the Mixed Martial Arts Octagon for New England Fights making my debut this past February. Not only did I make my debut but I walked away with a WIN, that was not just for me and my team but for all Type 1 Diabetics out there who were ever told they couldn’t do anything because of a silly thing like T1D. Trust me I’ve heard it all before, I was diagnosed with T1D at age 11 way back in 1993! Also through my debut fight by selling walk-out shirts, fight tickets, sponsors and donations I was able to raise over $1,300.00 for juvenile diabetes research and medical needs. I am also training for my first half marathon this summer and a jiu-jitsu tournament this April because nothings holding me back! I went over 20 years on insulin/syringe therapy with a strict diet and over the past three and a half years my life has changed thanks to my cgm and insulin pump. I am using my current job as a health care professional (sterile processing technician) with a degree in mental health, and experience with MMA/fitness to encourage, motivate and inspire others with T1D. I AM A BADASS DIABETIC and I will continue to (literally) fight for a cure!

Adam Horwell-Carroll

When I turned 11, I started doing a lot of fitness activity, after a rough 10 years. I was very fit and healthy.  I turned 12 in October 2013, one month after I started a career at City of York Athletics chasing my dream of becoming an International sprinter. In mid-January I didn't feel good at all. On the Monday before I went into the hospital I proceeded to go to the track, ignoring all the symptoms of being tired, losing 2 stone, dehydrated and needing the toilet a lot, because it was too important to miss my training.  That Wednesday I was sent to hospital.  I didn't know what was going on and I just carried on wanting to eat whatever and whenever,.  I didn't have knowledge about Type 1 diabetes and I didn't know what to do.  I stayed in bed from Wednesday to Friday pretty much, had a small walk and a cheeky jog around the room on the Friday, just to show off to my dad that I still had it, and most importantly proving to myself. Not even being able to sit up to go to the toilet at first really had an impact on me. I started my sprinting again 2 weeks later when I started school. At first I was very self conscience about my Diabetes, not telling anyone.  I would try hide the fact that I had it, not eating, locking myself in the toilets to inject or take my blood.. whatever would work at the time. Thankfully my confidence progressed as people found out as I announced it on my Instagram. I would soon actually take my insulin and test my blood during and after a rugby match, or in a track competition. I soon realized to be a Diabetic you have to embrace it and control it yourself, not let it control you.  I am always battling my mind not to blame Diabetes for stuff and letting it get me down.  Because unlike in the beginning, I now work with it, not let own on me.  Realizing my ambitions can over power Diabetes, I carried on practicing with rugby and sprinting.  I was part of the England Rugby Development Player Programme, and the only Type 1 Diabetic on the team. I also got into the England Indoor Championships for Athletics. My story isn't terrible but that's because I found it in myself to focus on the positive and that's the main factor.

Anita Nicole Brown

I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes when I was 17 years old. I knew nothing about it.  I was an active woman playing tennis, swimming and dancing so when I was diagnosed I was in shock!  It took a lot for me to get to the person I am now. Shortly after I was diagnosed I was also hit with diabetic nerve damage that cost me the ability to walk for about a year.  And all in my last year of high school!  But I continued to fight to be "normal".  I took care of myself but did so in the shadows. So no one saw what I was doing!  Then, I decided to take a different approach to T1D.  I was NEVER a normal person. Even before T1D!   So, I decided to make this the NEW NORMAL.  I wanted to become an actress/model and hopefully put T1D out there in film and TV as well as the modeling world.
Yes, it is HARD!  T1D awareness is rising every day but it is still a disease not many people understand. We are the only ones who can change that and that is my goal!   I am showing the good, the bad and the ugly that is T1D.  I believe that "ugly" is what makes us beautiful! What makes us stronger!  We are the NEW NORMAL and it is time the world recognized our strength and brilliance!

Carolina morales

My name is Carolina Morales, I am from Venezuela but living in Costa Rica.  I was diagnosed on Christmas Eve when I was 7.  I have been managing my diabetes for 25 years and I am proud to be a mother (everything was great with my pregnancy).  I try to help other Type 1 diabetics manage their diabetes with a good mood and good emotional health.   No matter what treatment they are using,  people have to know that living with Type 1 diabetes is possible and we are capable of anything.  Also, is important to promote and help with education and healthy lifestyle tips, that is my mission with my instagram @vidatipo1

bonnie greenwald

I was diagnosed Type 1.5 just after turning 30.  In the beginning things were pretty easy to control with diet and minimal exercise.  After a couple of years I went on insulin and had to deal with the frustrating highs and lows that came with exercise.  I consider myself extremely lucky to have found an amazing personal trainer who made it his mission, not only to get me in incredible shape, but also figure out how different workouts effect my blood sugar.  After 10 years of working with him, I am in great shape, my blood sugar is well controlled, I can usually predict what my blood sugar will do during and after a specific workout, and I've become a trainer at his fitness studio teaching TRX and HIIT classes.

 Wesley Alford

March 17th 2018 I will begin hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, 2650 miles from Mexico to Canada. I am a Type2 diabetic and my 12 year old son is a T1D. He was diagnosed as a diabetic when he was 7 years old. Tyler will be joining me on the trail after the kick off date. I am also advocating for diabetics around the world. I have partnered with JDRF for this event and we are gaining followers from around the world. During this event diabetics will be joining me on the trail for day and weekend hiking. I will be doing interviews and posting daily live streaming while on the trail. To learn more about this event you can visit our website at www.hikingforacure.com Helping all diabetics one step at a time!

jonathan tijerin

I've been a diabetic for 13 years, and am currently a 3rd year medical student at Stanford med school, doing research with the endocrinology and plastic surgery departments. I'm using the Loop closed-loop system with a Dexcom G5, which I can't say enough good things about. Was a little hesitant and dubious at first, but it's performing incredibly well!

I ran track in college for Baylor University in Texas, mostly the mile, and cross country. Super long distance training runs were really difficult until I got on a pump my last 2 years, and I was able to really improve my performance (and my A1cs, haha). Ended up running 4:04 in the mile my senior season, and getting Scholar-Athlete of the Year for the Big XII conference in cross country. 

I just collaborated with my awesome Endo on a new class at the medical school called Diabetes 101 for Healthcare Providers (linked at the bottom), that I'm incredibly excited about. There's a ton of interest from the 1st and 2nd years in developing practical skills for helping educate and treat diabetic patients that often get passed over in the textbooks. Also writing a paper on how choosing a medical specialty differs for diabetic doctors compared to non-diabetics (i.e. worried about getting low blood sugar during long surgeries, etc.) 

Finally, I get to work with an very cool bay area organization called Carb DM and coach a small group of diabetic teens and young adults in how to manage their sugars on long runs and during sports. They've even let me contribute to some articles for tips on the subject.

kody swencki

Kody was diagnosed at age 6 with T1D. His first questions were can I still ride my quad at the dunes and why was that football player crying when he got one shot, I get more. We knew from the start he was a diabadass and fighter. He went on to get his PADI Master Scuba Diver rating at 14. Only 2 percent of divers make that rating. He then set his goal on helping other T1Ds dive,  and becoming a Dive Master and Scuba Instructor at 18.  He made those goals. Becoming an instructor 2 months after his 18th bday while still in high school and attending EMT school. He started diverbetic.com to raise awareness that diabetics can dive and should never be told no to any goal. He plans on becoming a firefighter and flight nurse while still teaching scuba. We have no doubt he will make this happen, but more importantly he will show those afraid that they shouldn't be and they will always have him in their corner for help!

brooke fruge

Hey there! My name is Brooke and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 23 years ago. I was diagnosed at age 4, so I do not really know life without the shots, pokes, carb counting, and test strips everywhere! I enjoy the sunshine, whole foods, kick boxing, yoga, fixing up my new house, spoiling my rescue pup, and trying out new local breweries with my hubby! I do not agree with the statement, "I am a diabetic." No, you are a HUMAN who just so happens to also have diabetes. I will not be defined by diabetes, nor will it let it get in my way. We can do everything a nondiabetic can do, we just must make sure we bring our insulin and juice ;)!  I sell women's (and soon to be men's as well!) diabetes awareness shirts (www.etsy.com/shop/themodernautoimmune -- I am wearing a few of the tanks in the submitted photos). I also have a blog that documents my life as a diabetic, while also finding out about the other autoimmune diseases I have (www.themodernautoimmune.com). Check it out if you need some words of encouragements or just want to learn about how I live with this disease :)!

Sara Lasker

The first fortune cookie Coach Sara ever had read, "life is a bold and daring adventure". Since that day, 30 years ago, it has been her motto. Coach Sara has ventured to all 50 states, jumped out of an airplane and almost died, a story for another time, and is 1 of only 11 MCHES, CDEs in the world. Pretty impressive for someone with 34 years of life experience as a Type 1 BADASS.  A few of her adventures this winter include a snowshoe racing, a wellness presentation on becoming the diabetes expert of you type 1 diabetes - her MadisonT1DCoach.Life brand- and traveling to Ireland.